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Really solid game! The design is my favorite aspect of the game by far! It has such a lovely 70s espionage jazzpunkish vibe, I love it! Music is great too! The whole game has such a nice soul!

The design is interesting. I think this is my favorite take on the theme from the LD53 games I've played! The movement and general faffing about does show either the rushed nature of the jam or just the general newness to the engine or game development itself, it feels a bet clunky. I'm not a huge fan of the "hold W to climb but release to drop" mechanic as well, it just makes staying on the rope to wait out a patrol all the more frustrating.

The doublesided nature of the letters is really nice, I really love the utility / combat ability of a single letter! Level design is alright as well, I enjoyed them. But this game does have the issue that most jam games have in my opinion, which is that there are too many levels. I think if there are isn't enough gameplay elements to make like 15 levels, then stick to a lower number. Here, enemies and geometry make up all the variables, having tools to deal with them both, killing letters for the enemies and ropes for the geometry platforming bits. Which is enough! I think with these elements 3-4 mid sized levels could've been created where most of the scenarios could have been covered. If the player does the same things as they've been doing for the past 3 levels with the only difference being is the placement of already explored gameplay elements, its gets flat quick. 

But then again, time constraints are a bitch, and for what the game is, its cool!

Neat vibe, solid game~